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Happy body

Confident in a summer dress

The heroine's journey to transform your beliefs, mindset and habits.

MakanaCreative v. Getty Images via

Leave diets and stress eating behind, feel great in your body,
gain more energy for your life goals &
enjoy lasting inner peace!

Young woman feeling happy in field of wheat crop at sunset. Female enjoying a day in natur

You can accept yourself and feel the desire to make changes.

Anker 1

The heroine's journey to a happy body is the right thing for me

When you know what you should do but don't feel up to tackling it.

If you're tired of making promises to yourself over and over again that you can't keep.

When you think you've tried everything.

Develop a healthier relationship with food, your body and weight,
learn coping strategies and say goodbye to diets
in favor of a more sustainable way of eating that you enjoy.

Have you tried everything in terms of diets and nutritional trends?

Are your diets frustrating and unsuccessful in the long term?

Constantly counting calories and foregoing your favorite foods are robbing you of the joy in life?

You don't enjoy sport and lack real motivation to be fit?

Digestive problems are now part of everyday life?

YOU long for it...

... to finally understand your body in order to overcome the fear of gaining weight.

... a satisfied and appreciative feeling when you look in the mirror.

...Fun clothes shopping, finding figure-hugging dresses and pants that fit.

... to experience the freedom to enjoy chocolate to the fullest, without feelings of guilt. have time for yourself and your hobbies or projects without feeling guilty about your family.

That's really it!

The fact is: short-term diets slow down the all-important metabolism and you then gain weight again!

But you accept that, because your biggest 5 fears about changing your diet are these:
"I have to make sure I have time to prepare meals and exercise regularly."
"I won't be able to eat the food I love anymore."
“It will be a constant struggle to keep going.”
"I'll have to give up the fun of meeting my friends."
"I will lose my refuge if I am under pressure."

Young woman feeling happy in field of wheat crop at sunset. Female enjoying a day in natur

Happy body

Confident in a summer dress

Jacob Lund via Shutterstock

The heroine's journey to transform your beliefs, mindset and habits.

A clear strategy

Take clearly defined steps to achieve your health goals.

Tailored plans

Individual and tailored to your needs, lifestyle and goals.


Find your self-confidence to feel strong, safe and self-determined to live your lightness.

Commitment coaching

"Dstay tuned & "Pull through" support motivates you to achieve your goals despite obstacles in everyday life.

Young woman feeling happy in field of wheat crop at sunset. Female enjoying a day in natur

You can accept yourself & want to change you.

You can accept your body & benefit from changes.


Jacob Lund via Shutterstock



Individual support

€1,999 including 19%
Payment in installments possible

Heroine Intense

Individual support
Deep Emotion Coaching

€2,999 including 19%
Payment in installments possible

With the hero's journey to a happy body, you and my support will create a safe approach to food, your body and yourself.

What makes your trip unique:

  1. Self-confidence and self-acceptance: By understanding your eating history, encouraging self-compassion, and increasing self-confidence, you can develop a deeper level of self-acceptance.

  2. Emotional stability: By learning to manage emotional eating through self-empowerment and more conscious eating habits, you can experience improved emotional stability.

  3. Healthy relationship with food: Emphasizing mindful eating, finding a middle ground, and nurturing the eating relationship could help you develop a healthier, more conscious, and enjoyable relationship with food.

  4. Holistic joy of life: Exploring self-nourishment beyond food and considering other areas of life (relationships, physical activity) can lead to an overall more fulfilling and vibrant lifestyle.

  5. Weight management without diets:By taking an individual approach to weight management and avoiding diets, you can experience sustainable, long-term changes with your weight.

  6. Clarity and self-leadership: Setting clear boundaries and engaging with the change process will lead you to greater clarity, self-leadership and improved decision-making around nutrition.

Max Weber

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  1. What makes your coaching practice unique?

    • My coaching practice is characterized by the integration of mindfulness, trauma sensitivity and needs-oriented nutrition. We take a holistic approach that considers not only physical health but also emotional well-being.

  2. What does a typical coaching session look like?

    • Each session is individually tailored to the needs of the client. We combine elements of Ayurveda, Western nutrition and psychological coaching to address both physical and emotional aspects.

  3. What results can clients expect?

    • Clients can expect increased self-acceptance, emotional strength and an improved relationship with their body. We work together on sustainable changes for long-term well-being and a comfortable weight.

  4. How long does a coaching program usually last?

    • The duration varies, the core program lasts 5 months. This allows us to work together on different aspects and create real, sustainable change. Afterwards there is the possibility of being accompanied in a reduced form during the stability phase.

  5. What types of support and resources do you offer outside of sessions?

    • Changing your diet and working on your mindset alternate. Between sessions, clients are provided with resources, individual exercises, and supportive materials to promote progress. Ongoing support is an integral part of the program.

  6. How can I determine whether your coaching approach is right for me?

    • I recommend using my free resources, reading testimonials and clarifying questions in a non-binding clarity discussion. We can also find out together in a non-binding conversation whether my coaching philosophy fits your individual needs.

  7. What types of problems or challenges can coaching address?

    • My approach is suitable for women who want to work with topics such as yo-yo dieting, emotional eating, self-esteem issues, stress management and holistic health.

  8. How does communication work between meetings?

    • Between sessions, clients can reach me via messenger. Weekly telephone check-ins and supporting materials ensure progress is supported outside of meetings.

  9. What payment options are available?

    • I offer various payment options including lump sum payments and installment payments. The exact details can be discussed individually.

  10. Do you also offer group coaching?

    • Yes, from 2025 I will also offer group coaching. This allows for a supportive community approach and sharing of experiences among like-minded people.

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